
Sunday, September 15, 2013

Getting followers

During the first three years since his appointment as an apostle, Muhammad spread Islam is only limited in-kalanganteman close friends and relatives, this is to prevent the onset of acute and massive reaction from the Arab nation at that time already very assimilated culturally with immoral actions, which in this context is contrary to what would be taken and offered by Muhammad. Most of those who trust and believe in the teachings of Muhammad in the early days were members of their families and community groups lay close to him in everyday life, such as Khadija, Ali, Zaid bin Harithah and Bilal. But at the beginning of the year 613, Muhammad declared Islam publicly. After so long a lot of leaders of the Arabs as Abu Bakr, Uthman ibn Affan, Zubair bin Al-Awwam, Abdul Rahman bin Auf, Ubaidah Harith ibn 'Amr ibn Nufail are then brought into the religion of Muhammad. All the first followers of Islam are called with As-Sabiqun al-Awwalun or the first of all.
[Edit] The spread of Islam

Around the year 613 AD, three years after Islam spread secretly, Muhammad began to spread Islam openly to the people of Mecca, the response he has received a very hard and massive, this is because the teachings of Islam which was brought by him contrary to what has become a cultural and mindset of the people of Mecca at that time. Mecca leader Abu Jahl said that Muhammad was a madman who will damage the fabric of life for people of Mecca, due to stiff opposition coming from the community jahiliyyah in Mecca and power possessed by the leaders of Quraysh who opposed Muhammad and many of the early Muslims were tortured, persecuted, humiliated , deposed and excommunicated from the community association Mecca.

While getting treatment, he remained a follower in bulk, his followers are then spread his message through to the domestic trade Sham, Persian, and Arabian peninsula region. After that, many people are curious and interested then come to Mecca and Medina to hear directly from Muhammad, appearance and well-known personality who has made it easier to get sympathy and support in larger quantities. It is becoming increasingly easy when Umar bin Khattab and a large number of other leaders of Quraysh tribe officials decided to embrace the teachings of Islam, although many also become antipathetic to remember that time very large tribal sentiment in Mecca and Medina. Muhammad also recorded a lot of followers from the country Farsi (now Iran), one of which recorded was Salman al-Farisi, a Persian scientist who later became the companions of Muhammad.

Torture experienced by almost all Muslims during this period led to the birth of ideas to migrate (move) to Habsyah (now Ethiopia). Negus or king Habsyah, allowing the Muslims emigrated to his country and protect them from pressure on the rulers of Mecca. Muhammad himself, in 622 hijra to Yathrib, a city which is about 200 miles (320 km) north of Mecca

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